January 1, 2011

haPPy NEW yEAr !!!

GUD BYE 2010 :) 

WELCOME 2011 :)

moge taon bru ini taon yg plg bmkne n cool n happy always !!!
to all my bestie , strive to achieve successful result in the PMR :)
me too :))

pe yerk tok azam taon ny ???
think n think for the future =,=
haa ! i know ! this answer is :

* nk bjye didunia n akhirat
* PMR , semestinya nk dpt yg trbaik( 8A'S )
* bljr sungguh-sungguh
* x mau tengking2(mudah-mudahn)
* x mau boros n nak save money ! penting 2 :)
* dgr ckp ibu ayah
* x mau tgl solat
* mrjinkn dri ke dpur tolg ibu msk 
* n whatever i do it expecially are the best !!!

setkt 2 jek yg boley di senraikn wat ariny ..
pe yg brlku pd taon lps mnjd iktibr tok aq mnjlnkn hidup ..
mudah-mudhan ia-nye bjln ngn lancar pade stiap hari :)